6 Quick Design Tips for Digital Resources

Digital resources have to be clean and concise, but also grab attention at a glance. Whether you’re updating old PowerPoints, adapting print designs or creating new digital signage content from scratch, here are a few basic tips to keep in mind:

1. Design for Screens

  • Don’t squash or stretch images. Design at the correct aspect ratio and resolution for screens.
  • Don’t let images get pixelated. You can’t blow up a small image to fit a large screen.
  • Maintain brand standards. Ask your marketing department for templates or guidelines.

2. Design for Eye Strain

  • Use good contrast, especially for text on a background. Be sure colors are complimentary.
  • Use less text and larger fonts. Sans serif fonts are usually easier to read on screens.
  • Consider people with eye fatigue, diminished vision and color blindness when designing.

3. Design for Brevity

  • Use clean designs with just a few elements. Cluttered design will confuse the audience.
  • Don’t put everything into the design. Route people to another source for more information.
  • Design a series of resources rather than trying to put lots of text or images into a single visual.

4. Design for Impact

  • Make sure you design with a focal point in mind. One item should take priority to draw the eye.
  • Only use bold, bright or large fonts for titles and action items, like links or contact information.
  • Understand visual hierarchy and localize to the audience (left to right vs. right to left).

5. Design for Context

  • Have a hook – a design theme, character, image or typography that will grab and hold attention.
  • When presenting info from a digital resource, only put key concepts on screen. Don’t read slides.
  • Downloads can have more info and denser design. Ads and presentations should have less.

6. Design for Interaction

  • Make your resource animated and interactive whenever possible. Use video, links, QR codes, etc.
  • Use gamification techniques. Offer rewards for action; make interacting with your design fun.
  • Refresh old designs. Remember that you’re competing for your audience’s attention at all times.
Download our free infographic for 6 quick tips for designing digital resources