It seems like it was just yesterday when the prospect of leveraging build screens as an internal communications tool was out of reach. And the reasons were plentiful:
- The technology was too expensive;
- Since big screens were the purview of the IT department, they alone designed, installed, and maintained the screens; and
- Because of the cost of big screens, they’d only be used for almost anything other than trying to engage and inspire employees.
But things have changed drastically.
Now, big screens are increasingly part of the employee communications toolbox – or, “tech stack”. So, now the key question is, How do we prevent them from being as marginalized as the Health & Safety poster in the lunchroom on the bulletin board placed under the “Looking to sell my used crock pot” ad?
Well, we answer this question and unearth how employee communications professionals can actually use these screens to advance important communications goals. And, to do this, we sit down with Sean Matthews – President and CEO of Visix.
The Academy of Business Communications supports communications, HR and executive teams with communications consulting, coaching and training.
For over 25 years, Andrew Brown has helped companies — across 15+ industries — harness communications to thrive throughout pandemics, crises, mergers, acquisitions, expansions, downsizings, technology roll-outs and global product launches. He is the author of the “Building strong business relationships” book series available on Amazon.
For over 20 years, Elizabeth Williams has worked with companies including ADP, Rogers, TELUS, The Beer Store, Constellation Software, Bank of Montreal and Aon to help them tell their stories and engage employees and customers in meaningful conversations.
Andrew and Elizabeth are co-founders of the Academy of Business Communications, co-authors of The Fearless Communicator’s Guide to COVID-19, and co-hosts of The Swear Jar podcast.
Andrew Brown: Hello everyone and welcome to The Swear Jar, the official podcast of the Academy of Business Communications, where we tell it like it is about corporate and employee communications, and occasionally use colorful language to raise money for worthy causes. My name is Andrew Brown.
Elizabeth Williams: And I’m Elizabeth Williams. And, you know, if I had a dollar for every failed employee digital display project that I’ve launched or attempted to launch, well, I’d have $6. And there are so many reasons why these things just never work. And, you know, often the technology just turns out to be too expensive, or we just don’t have anyone who can sort of design, install and maintain this stuff because IT sure as heck isn’t going to do it.
And then getting material to actually put on the displays turns out to be a lot more work than most communicators think, and so you end up with these sort of sad, looping PowerPoints, which kind of aren’t the engagement powerhouse we were hoping for. And even if the big screens were working, most of the time when I went into facilities, they were using them for, like, call center dashboards, not, you know, engagement.
And in one place I worked, we had a big screen in the lobby to sort of entertain clients and perspective employees while they waited, and it had a wonderful little set of videos about the company. But almost all the time when I went in there, it was tuned to one of those 24-hour news channels because the receptionists were bored. So, my track record with these is spotty.
But I do understand that things are changing, that big screens are coming back to our employee communications toolbox. And I guess the thing that I keep wondering is – how do we stop them from being as marginalized as the health and safety poster in the lunchroom or that bulletin board with the perpetual flyer advertising a gently used futon for sale?
And so, today we’re going to answer this question and unearth how employee communications professionals can actually use big screens to move their communications forward. And to do this, we are just thrilled to have as our guest, Sean Matthews, president and CEO of Visix. Visix helps communications pros manage these hard assets and the content that gets served up on them. Sean, welcome to The Swear Jar.
Sean Matthews: Wow. Thank you, Elizabeth. That introduction there was awesome. I mean, pretty much laid it all out for me. So, I’m glad to be here. Thank you.
Andrew Brown: Well, I hope that you are up for the challenge, Sean. Yes, let’s dive right in. We’ve always maintained that screens can be part of the employee communications tech stack that employee communications have to manage all the time. And so, we’re happy to have you here to make that all-important case.
I’d really like to start with some of the myths about big screens and their role in employee communications. Or in other words, when you’re engaging with employee communications professionals, what are the misconceptions about these tools that you are constantly hearing in which you could just erase from the universe?
Sean Matthews: I’ll start with the first one here. I think that, first and foremost, time and effort that goes into deploying and maintaining a digital signage network. Most people believe that it’s nothing more than mounting the screens to the wall, running some infrastructure to them, adding some PCs or media players and a content management server, and they’ll magically have a digital signage network that is completely capable of influencing and, you know, affecting employee behavior. The reality is most people who get involved with this technology have never run a cable network or a television network. And they don’t realize that it’s something that has to be fed all the time. And so, yeah, that’s a major misconception.
What I mentioned a few minutes ago about hanging displays on the wall and, you know, adding some infrastructure to it, there’s often this misperception about cost. You look online and you see that you can buy media players for as low as $19.99 a month, right? And so, you believe it’s very inexpensive or at the far extreme, you may think it’s so expensive that you shouldn’t even consider deploying this type of technology. So cost is certainly another piece to the puzzle there. And there are obviously many different ways to slice the cost pie. It could be capital expense. It could be an operational expense. There’s lots of things there.
There are some other things that really just get under our skin from a technology perspective and a communications perspective. And that is, people often deploy screens because they just want to look progressive. They want it to look cool. Just like Elizabeth mentioned about the lobby scenario. They just think that if it looks cool, then it’ll work. But that’s really not the case. Just because you mount a display or a screen to a wall, it doesn’t mean that people are actually going to look at it, right? And that’s just the truth.
And often people put digital signs in buildings, and they don’t even have a real reason. And the real reason should be you’re using digital signs when you have a large volume of people passing through a building or an institution or a campus, and that’s when you use them. So those are several things that we run into as misconceptions when people go to deploy this type of technology,
Elizabeth Williams: I think I’ve hit every single one of those, so. But like any communications tool, right, there are good ways and bad ways of using large screen technology. But I want to pause for a minute about the readiness. Because that’s, you mentioned that right off the bat.
You know, people go out and look up the price of media players and go, hot dang, I can do this. And, you know, certainly I have been led down the garden path, let’s say by vendors who are telling me, yeah, you just plug and play. But then once we really start looking at things like network requirements and those servers you talked about and media players and custom templates and the inputs, and then the whole thing just kind of unravels.
And so, I wonder if, if you have, I don’t know, a checklist or sort of criteria that our fearless communicators could use to decide whether they want to consider big screens. Like, are they just a cool party thing that maybe isn’t part of their mix or what criteria do they need to meet in order to seriously consider it as something they want to put in front of their employees?
Sean Matthews: Yeah. There are a couple of key things we can talk about, and I’ll use an example of a global products manufacturer with offices around the world, locations, facilities, plants, service centers, all of those things. They came to us through an integration partner, someone who specializes in, you know, mounting displays and building out infrastructure to support this type of technology. And they came to us via this integration partner because they were looking into cutting edge digital signage technology, so they could better communicate with their employees around the world. I mean, the story was perfect, and the entire project started off well.
But I will say that like many digital signage projects, IT ends up taking over and it becomes a technology project. It’s no longer a communications project. I mean, in the beginning they had a combined operational team. It included communication specialists, IT people, the entire team. I mean, it looked good on paper, and it sounded good in those initial meetings, but the communications plan got lost in the technological analysis and then ultimately where they were going to play screens that made really no sense from a communications perspective. It made sense for securing the screens and making sure that nobody could steal them and those sort of practical things, but it didn’t make sense in terms of how you were going to communicate to the passerby.
In the end, when I think about this thing, they had all of the right things. So, the checklist might include a purchasing budget or a maintenance budget. They had a communications plan. And in this case they had the required technology support. They had people to manage it. They had all of those things. And they even had integration with other technologies, most specifically events and event management systems, because in this particular campus what was important, (you know, I know you mentioned that the call center dashboard), but what was important was to alert employees to where events were occurring.
This is very, the main campus was a large campus. And, you know, it was important that to them, that employees knew where to go because they had these little information booths and it was a waste of manpower. And so, it wasn’t really communicating, you know, positive or uplifting or encouraging information, but it was effectively communicating where you needed to be.
So, they had all of these things but ultimately it deteriorated. And the internal communications team, they forfeited, you know, endpoint internet access. And what I mean by that is that the media players were unable to go out to the internet to get things like weather. They wanted it to include social media. They wanted to include traffic reports, you know, all the things that were important to them to hook passers-by into the information that they wanted to deliver. Ultimately, it became that bulletin board that you talked about earlier, showing single messages on screens and some of event information and that was it.
And the thing I think that really crushed the entire project because of the global company, they didn’t allow localization to occur at the local branch or office level. And so, everything ended up being in English which was a problem. And then of course, what’s going on in the United States isn’t necessarily representative of what’s going on in the facility in the UK or South Africa or wherever. And so you just ended up with this generic infomercial that was being delivered around the world. And so, I hope that there are some things in there that your communicators could learn from in this particular example.
Andrew Brown: I think that’s very rich example. I think it takes us naturally to the next step. And that is, I mean, big screens are cool. I admit it. We all love big screens. They’re in your face. They are, or they can be, hard to ignore. They can deliver really compelling, exciting, invigorating content. And, you know, for a while, they’re really novel, right? If you’re in a workplace and they’re up, they’re placed in your work area or in your cafeteria or in the lobby or wherever, they’re novel for a while until they become sort of part of the furniture, right? But like every other communications tool, they can’t do everything.
So, it’d be great if you could just do a little bit of a side-by-side comparison. And so, let’s compare the strengths and weaknesses of big screens versus some of the other communications tools that our fearless leaders are using on a daily basis. So let’s do a cage match, right? Big screens on one side, email, intranet surveys, chat, town halls, group meetings – your choice, Sean – on the other side. So, if you can do a comparison, pros and cons again, and if you could really emphasize what’s really unique about those big screens.
Sean Matthews: Well, I think that, you know, in our opinion, digital signs are just one component of a multi-layered communication strategy. I don’t think any of these technologies will survive standing on their own in terms of effectively communicating with employees and visitors and anyone else that might be involved in your organization.
But I will say this, digital signs can be the most visually compelling of all of these communication mediums. In fact, you can deliver NFL-production-quality material to these displays, right? The visual message is perhaps the most powerful message of all. And we can think about video walls and projection technologies and touchscreens, and even flexible displays that bend around the corner of columns. I mean, visually, you can just deliver the most compelling message that you certainly can’t write in an email, unless you’re a really, really good author. And you can think of Times Square or Las Vegas, right, as a visual of what it could look like.
However, it’s also important to know that this particular medium is a passive delivery vehicle, right? I have to walk by it to see it, right? I can’t deliver it to you in your bedroom, right? I mean that’s just, it’s not possible. So, screen placement and the types of screens that you use and the technologies that you use there, it’s critical.
And even more critical is the fact that you have to produce compelling content. Because if it’s not compelling, nobody’s going to look at it. I’ll just say this to put it in a perspective of the highway passerby. It’s that electronic billboard that announces that the local exterminator has a special on their termite deal this month, right?
So, to compare and contrast then. So email is clearly the communication standard. It’s been around forever, but it’s become overwhelming. I think all of us have a difficult time managing the number of email messages that we receive. And I think the same can be said today for the other messaging apps, whether it’s WhatsApp, Slack, you name it, even integrated solutions like Teams. I mean, I don’t know about you, but I’m constantly having to go back and check these apps and ensure that, you know, I’m keeping up with the string of messages as they occur.
The disadvantage of those technologies is that they can be just overwhelming in terms of volume. Whereas when I walked down the hallway and I see this compelling message about, you know, healthcare open enrollment signups are ending this Friday. You know, that’s an easy reminder for me, particularly when I’m waiting in the elevator bay or sitting down in the break room or passing by the water cooler, right? Those are places where I can effectively deliver this information to our team members.
It’s interesting when you think about things like town halls and group meetings. We conduct town hall every month. And by and large, if you ask any employee in a survey in our business, they will tell you that the town hall is something they could not do without. But yet, when I try to get people to engage me in a town hall meeting, no one ever does. In fact, I openly invite them to send me email messages or Teams me or text me or whatever if there’s something you want covered, but nobody does. Those meetings seem to do a great job that no one can live without, but yet I’m not sure exactly what they’re getting out of them, right? So, you know, I don’t think they can be replaced because everyone wants them, but yet I’m not sure how effective they really are.
All the endpoints, doesn’t matter – email, internet, online surveys, chat – we’ve exhausted all of those things. And everyone that’s in our communication space has exhausted those things. And in the end, they’re all individual endpoints, and those individual endpoints are limited to the communication that’s back and forth between those endpoints. Whereas if you look at public displays, they’re the most public thing that are out there. There’s nothing that is more public than them.
I believe that where it fits into the mix is that it’s able to reach people in a passive way without invading their space or overwhelming them with information that they can’t absorb on the fly. Whereas they can absorb a visually-compelling message that conveys something that is encouraging and positive and influences their behavior for the day.
Elizabeth Williams: Wow. Okay. I have two questions, actually. One, so you talked about the physical environment and I’m going to circle back to that and then… But the thing that struck me, it just in your last few sentences was, I don’t know that most communications teams have the skills.
You talked about, you know, NFL-quality media that you can share. But for many comms teams, actually just getting a reasonably literate email out the door can be a stretch. And so, I’d love to know what your best-in-class clients are doing about that. Do they outsource production to get those great production values? Are they having to learn how to produce great video content? Or are they just kind of letting the medium down by putting sad PowerPoints and futon ads up? Can you just comment on that skillset that we may need?
Sean Matthews: Yeah. And unfortunately you are correct. Often it deteriorates to the PowerPoint-looking concept, and we have some basic rules of thumb that we encourage our clients to use.
And, you know, one is to change the entire screen design three times a day. So morning, afternoon and evening. So that as people make their way into the building, as they depart for lunch or what have you, and as they leave at the end of the day. So the entire screen design just needs to change three times a day. Which those three designs really could be dramatically different, so it catches the eye of the passerby.
But it doesn’t really require video production capabilities, right? You could use static backgrounds because you’re going to incorporate other hooks. And we really push the idea of incorporating multiple hooks. So if you think about like a Bloomberg TV approach, which obviously could be crazy overwhelming with multiple tickers and all that stuff, but dumb it down a little bit to what we see on broadcast television, particularly as it relates to news where there’s an incorporation of a ticker. We might have a social media feed that is automatically being populated. And it just has an elegant design that’s associated with the messages that are being delivered, which are automatically being delivered.
And then of course we incorporate some other, you know, typical hooks like clock, what time is it, weather. People often want to know, in fact, you always call your mom and you’re like, mom, how’s the weather, right? So it’s another element that’s auto-updating that you don’t have to create day in and day out.
And then, you know, your core messages are the messages that appear on screen. The rule of thumb is that you should have no more than seven messages running more than seven seconds at a time. And all of those messages in fact, could, in theory, be created in an application like PowerPoint but imported as slides incorporating, you know, some other animated elements surrounding it.
So in short, you could make NFL-quality production. Most of us can’t. Most of us haven’t ever run a cable television network. So using some basic techniques, you can create a look that’s very powerful but yet doesn’t take that much energy.
Elizabeth Williams: That’s reassuring because I was, you’re actually scaring the hell out of me because I’m like, I don’t know how to do that. So, it’s really more about talking the IT people into letting you actually connect it to the internet so you can do stuff like stream the weather and some, some real time information.
Going back to the other thing where we were talking about, you know, the proximity that these screens have to employees, right? It’s very powerful because they’re walking by them two, three, four times a day and you’re feeding them essential information both in terms of where am I, what time is it, but also, hey, sign up for benefits and don’t forget to do certain things.
But of course, we’re starting to see workplaces reopening but, you know, 60% of the workforce stayed at work but 40% went home and many aren’t coming back. And even into these hybrid workplaces we’re going to see employees spending a lot less time in their physical company environment and a lot more time peering at their computers in their spare bedrooms.
So, the question I would have as a fearless communicator is what does a big screen do better than any other communications tool? How do I make the business case to put these into my possibly less populated workplace in 2021, 2022?
Sean Matthews: It is certainly more difficult to, you know, justify the expense in poorly populated or lightly populated office spaces, because you’ve let those people work in a different fashion and a more flexible way. But, if it’s certainly a hybrid environment and those people are going to be coming and going, in fact, they will see that content far less often than those people who are there day in and day out. And so certainly a compelling content menu of information is going to be much more compelling to them because they’re not getting to see that as often at home.
And let me say, you can incorporate some of the digital signage technologies and publish to other endpoints, whether it be screensavers or integration with Teams or Slack or other things. But of course it loses some of its impact as you make your way, you know, down that sort of technology food chain to those individual endpoints. It’s just not as, not as compelling, right?
But I do think that, you know, when we, when we look at the ability of these screens to have an impact, I know we’re going to talk to another topic in a minute, which I think would help me probably better illustrate that, and, you know, to better understand how these technologies certainly have a much more profound effect on the 60% that will be in buildings.
Andrew Brown: Fair enough. Let me just summarize or rather highlight some of the things that I’ve taken away from our discussion so far. And I would encourage our fearless leaders to go back and get some more of the specific details that Sean has identified around the benefits, as well as the criteria for using. But here’s some of the things that really stuck out for me.
So first, you’ve mentioned this a couple of times, you don’t necessarily need high production standards in order to make these tools sing. Also, we’ve spoken a couple of times about purpose. There needs to be a purpose. And one of the facilitating factors is foot traffic. We want people to be walking by or be in proximity. And to me, that screams out taking advantage of what I’ve always called moment-in-time communications. There are some things that require people to know it now and there’s a sense of urgency, and I would argue even a little bit of an opportunity for transparency when you use a big screen with moment-in-time communications.
And the other thing that’s more tactical is, I think you said, that no screen alone should have more than seven messages or seven seconds at a time. So those are some of the things that really stuck out for me.
Sean Matthews: When I look at what we’re doing now in terms of best practices, you know, there’s four things that kind of come to mind. And one was from a personal experience of mine. And this happened to be an institution of higher education. It was not corporate communications, but they were communicating to students, so if you take that into consideration.
But in this particular case, the team that was responsible for communication basically didn’t have the authority to manage the communications that were being delivered. So again, this is higher education. And in this particular case, we had tenured professors at this university basically overriding the best practices of what these people were taught to do in terms of using this medium to deliver information. And so they were saying things like, well, I don’t care what the standards are, I’d like for you to publish this PDF of the constitution. And I’m kind of making that up but, you know, putting this very wordy document on screen which just made no sense, you know? It’s up on the screen for seven seconds and just a PDF, right?
Andrew Brown: Yeah. Oh Sean, before you get into… because as you said, we want to dive into some of those best practices. We want to hear more stories. But I think Elizabeth, you wanted to highlight something before we do that.
Elizabeth Williams: I do. I want to shamelessly promote some of our upcoming… Yes. Thank you. I will. I wanted to remind our listeners that they can take advantage of some amazing benefits. For example, you can save 10% on all our online workshops. And, of course, we have our most popular Employee Change Communications that Work. You just put in Swear Jar when you register, and we’ll knock 10% off.
And if you are experiencing any kind of resistance in your organization, like say tenured professors, why not join us for our Overcoming Resistance 75-minute workshop? It’ll help you with practical frameworks and tools you can use to anticipate and reduce resistance that you or your colleagues are facing, maybe to the big screen project.
We’ve also launched some 90-minute workshops for $99. We have one that helps you make sense of the quagmire that is online employee reviews. And we have another that helps you measure employee communications so that you look like the rock star you are with your boss. And we have an awesome workshop on corporate storytelling. So Andrew, back to you,
Andrew Brown: Well done. That was nice and succinct.
Elizabeth Williams: It was shameless.
Andrew Brown: Shameless! So Sean, let me just quickly frame a question for you. So, assume that our folks pass the readiness checklist or the criteria that you identified earlier, and they understand the substantive differences between those big screens and the range of other employee communication tools that they can choose them. And they also recognize that unique power big screens can play in employee communications. So that’s when the really hard work begins, I think.
So, here’s the big question: Do you have a handful of absolute essential best practices when using big screens that are non-negotiable. You know, it’s the make or break stuff. Advice that you’ve gathered from across industries and your hundreds of clients. And if you can speak about specific measures of success, that would be awesome too. Is that too much to ask?
Sean Matthews: No, no, no. This is easily done, easily done.
So you have to give your communications team the authority to manage this medium, right? It is not a website. It’s not an email message. It’s not even an individual safety poster that’s mounted on the wall, right? This is a technology that requires some artistic capability. It requires communication skills in both language and in visual arts. And it is a medium that’s designed to compel and influence the passerby. And they have to have the authority to control or maybe better manage what ends up on screen, right?
The next item that you really have to have, it’s a must. It doesn’t matter if it’s Visix or somebody else that we might compete with – you have to take the training. You have to understand how the technology works, what’s possible, the use of efficient workflows. We see people do things manually all the time when there’s a technological way to automate the delivery of that information. And remember that in this arena, information, you know, data, can often be embedded in a visual that creates a more compelling delivery of the data that you were trying to deliver. So you’re turning that data into information that influences the passerby. But you can’t really do that if you don’t take training, whether it be in person, LMS doesn’t matter.
Another thing that I think is just essential is localizing content when and where it makes sense. You can’t deliver everything everywhere all the time. And it can’t always be in one language, depending on the type of business that you’re in.
We have a company in the Northeast part of the United States. It’s a large transportation company. They provide transportation and logistics, 11 locations, cavernous warehouses, service locations, back office, front office, and even transient personnel in the form of truck drivers, right? And so, as they looked for ways to improve and humanize employee recognition, (you know, thousands of employees meant hundreds of birthdays and they were putting out newsletters and all kinds of archaic things), when they ultimately included digital signage in their communications plan, they were able to deliver, you know, employee recognition in the form of birthdays and work anniversaries and soliciting responses from employees like, I saw you on TV. They could incorporate other real-time data like departure schedules, key performance indicators. And they went so far as to add a gamification element to their humanized employee communications in the form of leaderboards. And it wasn’t necessarily just sales leader boards. It was whatever metrics you were measured against on a daily or weekly basis. They would conduct interviews with you, sort of ESPN style, you know? Like, unbelievable Andrew! You did a phenomenal job in the call center today. You took on 57 calls and had a 98% satisfaction rating. I mean, that kind of stuff. So, you know, it’s important to localize the content to a particular facility or region when it makes sense to do so.
And the last thing I would say is that including calls to action and measuring the success of those calls to action, it’s incredibly important. I read somewhere that fewer than one in four communicators track overall internal communication satisfaction, behavioral change and business outcomes, which is surprising to me. But you know, there’s so many disparate technologies, it’s easy to measure clicks but, or eyeballs, some people measure eyeballs as they pass by screens. And, you know, that doesn’t really prove that you effectively delivered a message that, you know, influenced human behavior. So measuring those successes, not just from things like clicks, but human involvement and/or satisfaction and/or success, that’s an important piece even when using digital signs and QR tags and Bitlys and even touchscreen interaction.
Elizabeth Williams: I always like those sort of impression numbers because, even though they’re absolutely meaningless and completely useless, they always make your boss go away. It’s like, oh, a hundred thousand, that’s a lot. And it’s not, it doesn’t matter, but you got out, you’re off the hook for another month. So thank you for that. I love how strongly you’re advocating for really just careful planning and making it a part of the overall communications stack.
So, this is the point in the podcast when we like to share with our listeners those things that have caught our attention. So Sean, Andrew, what have you recently found that our fearless communicators may want to read, listen to, binge watch or generally just avoid doing work with? Sean?
Sean Matthews: Well, unfortunately this is going to be my little shameless plug for some things that your fearless communicators actually might benefit from related to this technology. We host a podcast called Digital Signage Done Right. And it’s been…it’s received several awards and it’s been…it’s been well received in the communications market space.
We also produce a series of masterclass guides that really provide an enormous amount of information on all facets of digital signage and how it relates to the interconnected communication platforms and the external data sources associated with this technology.
And the last one, there is a book by a gentleman by the name of Ray Walsh called Localizing Employee Communications. It’s available on Amazon and it’s a really good read. And there’s an element to it that ties into digital signage and delivering localized communications.
Andrew Brown: That’s awesome! They sound like some great resources to help people get the most out of their big screen as part of their communications plan.
For my part, I’m going to do a little bit of a shameless shill. I’m very happy to say that Elizabeth is, once again, a published author on Poppulo. Poppulo offers an intranet, and they have some great insights around employee communications. And Elizabeth is once again featured as a guest writer. So, everyone check out her articles on Poppulo, P-O-P-P-U-L-O.
I have been listening to a number of HR podcasts because a number of our clients are HR folks and so I’m constantly in that world. And one that has stuck out for me recently is Workology, and that’s hosted by Jessica Miller-Merrell who is someone that we’re going to have as a guest on our podcast in the weeks to come, so watch out for that. Elizabeth?
Elizabeth Williams: I have been spending a lot of time on Quartz at Work. And so, if you don’t know Quartz, it’s a wonderful online news source and it’s free at, or Q-Z if you’re south of the border, and they’ve all kinds of good stuff. But the thing that I kind of obsess about is the thing called Quartz at Work. And they provide a really steady stream of high quality news and information just about the workplace and it’s free. But if you cough up for a paid subscription, which I think is like five bucks a month, you get access to some other stuff.
So, one of my favorite things is they do these great field guides, which is basically just a collection of articles on a given subject. So, I’m just working my way through a field guide on the hybrid workplace for helping out a client. And another one I’ve been enjoying reading is about employee activism. And so if you can get the boss to pop for a membership, I think it is a great investment in your personal development.
Andrew Brown: Excellent.
Elizabeth Williams: I think that’s it for us. Thank you so much for listening in with us. And if you liked this podcast, leave a rating or better still subscribe on the platform of your choice. We’re basically everywhere. And of course we welcome your thoughts or suggestions for future topics. And if you just want to drop us an email to, we’ll get right back to you.
And before we go, Sean, what is the best way for fearless communicators to reach out to you and the folks at Visix?
Sean Matthews: It’s certainly easy to connect with me on LinkedIn, and it’s S-E-A-N Matthews, M-A-T-T-H-E-W-S. You could certainly go to, which is V-I-S-I-X, V as in Victor, And email as well – first initial, last name, smatthews at Those are the three easiest ways to get to me.
Elizabeth Williams: And of course, we’ll put some links in the show notes to all of these things.
Andrew Brown: Excellent. Sean, thank you very much. It’s been a pleasure having you on to help people get the most out of the big screen. Listeners, please be sure to check out the show notes and resources at
A shout-out once again to Sean Matthews, president and CEO of Visix. To Peter Linseman, our editor extraordinaire and Simon Gladstone, who is a very patient website visionary. Elizabeth, as always, thank you. And all of our listeners of The Swear Jar, stay fearless.
Elizabeth Williams: Bye for now.