Start Using Digital Signage for ESG

ESG factors are becoming increasingly important for businesses and organizations. Corporate communicators play a critical role in promoting ESG initiatives and communicating their organization’s commitment to sustainable practices. By using digital signage, they can effectively communicate ESG efforts, engage stakeholders in sustainable practices and build a positive reputation.

What is ESG?

ESG stands for Environmental, Social and Governance. It’s a framework used by investors and companies to evaluate the sustainability and ethical impact of investments and business practices.

Environmental factors refer to the impact of a company’s activities on the natural environment, such as its carbon footprint, water usage and waste management.

Social factors refer to a company’s impact on people and society, including issues such as human rights, labor practices, diversity and inclusion, and community engagement.

Governance factors refer to the internal policies and practices that govern a company’s operations, including issues such as board diversity, executive compensation and transparency.

CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) is a business approach that aims to contribute to sustainable development by delivering economic, social and environmental benefits for all stakeholders. It’s closely related to ESG and is often used interchangeably with it in the context of business sustainability.

ESG criteria can be used to evaluate the long-term financial performance of companies, as well as their impact on the environment and society. Many investors are increasingly integrating ESG criteria into their investment decisions, and companies are using ESG frameworks to guide their sustainability strategies and reporting.

Who are ESG stakeholders?

There is a growing interest in social responsibility among businesses, organizations and stakeholders, which has led to the introduction of new standards and requirements to enhance transparency and accuracy in reporting ESG criteria. To be an effective communicator, it’s crucial to have a solid understanding of who the stakeholders are.


The investment community began prioritizing ESG and CSR to better understand social and environmental risks, leading to a greater demand for transparency in non-financial metrics. This has led to increased pressure on organizations to prioritize ESG commitments because it can affect their access to capital.


Customers are also increasingly demanding transparency and accountability when making purchasing decisions, driving a shift towards using purchasing power to effect change on environmental and social issues. Misleading marketing messages and labeling are particularly susceptible to criticism, leading to penalties and other sanctions in many countries.


Organizations that show a strong commitment to ESG concerns are seeing a positive impact on employee retention and are attracting new talent. Failure to demonstrate commitment risks losing valuable talent and can even lead to disgruntled employees becoming activists or vocal about their grievances on social media, damaging the company’s brand.

Underserved Groups

ESG goals also provide an opportunity to make significant contributions to the health and welfare of underserved populations. Ignoring environmental and social concerns often impacts minority populations more than other stakeholders.

The World

Successful ESG actions can have a significant positive impact on local and global populations as the movement gains support and actions are adopted by governments, companies and individuals. Millennials are already strong drivers of this movement, and more employees and stakeholders are sharing CSR and ESG concerns on social media.

How does this affect communications professionals?

Communication professionals can play a key role in optimizing an ESG strategy among their workforce and the investment community by taking the following steps:

Develop a clear ESG communication strategy.

Communication professionals should work closely with leaders within the organization to develop a clear and comprehensive communication strategy that outlines the organization’s ESG goals, initiatives and progress. The strategy should be tailored to different stakeholders, including employees, investors and customers, and should leverage a variety of communication channels.

Engage with employees.

Communication professionals should engage with employees to build awareness and support for the organization’s ESG initiatives. This can include regular communications, as well as training programs and other initiatives that promote sustainable behaviors and a culture of sustainability within the organization.

Leverage digital media.

Communication professionals should leverage digital media to communicate the organization’s ESG strategy to the investment community. This can include creating a dedicated ESG section on the company’s website, developing data visualizations for digital signs and engaging with stakeholders through social media channels.

Use storytelling.

Communication professionals can use storytelling techniques to create compelling narratives around the organization’s ESG initiatives, highlighting the positive impact on the environment, society and the bottom line. This can include case studies, employee profiles and other content that demonstrates the tangible benefits of ESG to the organization and its stakeholders.

Measure and report progress.

Communication professionals should work with leaders to develop clear metrics and reporting frameworks to measure and report on the organization’s progress towards its ESG goals. This can include regular sustainability reports, ratings and rankings, and other metrics that demonstrate the organization’s commitment to ESG and its impact on the environment and society.

Communication professionals play a critical role in optimizing an organization’s ESG strategy by building awareness and engagement among employees and stakeholders, and keeping everyone updated on progress toward goals.

How can digital signage support ESG?

Overall, digital signage can be a powerful tool for supporting ESG by promoting transparency, education, behavior change, data visualization and stakeholder engagement. Here are just a few tips for how to use digital signs to support your ESG initiative:

Communication of ESG goals and progress

Digital signage can be used to display information about a company’s ESG goals, targets and progress towards achieving them. This can help to increase transparency and accountability, and demonstrate the company’s commitment to ESG.

Education and awareness

Digital signs can be used to educate and raise awareness among employees, customers and other stakeholders about ESG issues, such as climate change, biodiversity, human rights and labor practices. This can help to build a culture of sustainability within the organization and foster a sense of responsibility among stakeholders.

Behavior change

Digital signage can be used to promote sustainable behaviors among employees, customers and other stakeholders, such as energy conservation, waste reduction and sustainable transportation. This can help to reduce the environmental footprint of the organization and encourage a more sustainable lifestyle among stakeholders.

Data visualization

Digital signs can be used to display real-time data on energy consumption, carbon emissions and other ESG indicators, allowing stakeholders to see the impact of their actions and the progress of the organization towards its goals.

Stakeholder engagement

Through interactive displays or surveys, digital signage can be used to engage with stakeholders and solicit feedback on ESG issues. This can help to build trust and collaboration between the organization and its stakeholders, and ensure that goals are aligned with stakeholder expectations.

Digital signage can display real-time data and information about a company’s environmental impact, showcase its sustainability efforts and promote social responsibility initiatives. In this way, digital signage can help organizations communicate their commitment to ESG and engage their audience with content they care about.