We’re all busy and we all get stressed. Why not do something about that? We know there are lots of listicles out there with advice, but we found this article from Lifehack very helpful. So, we’ve boiled it down to this quick list of 8 productivity tips.
1. Write It Down
Every task, every commitment should be written down. This frees your mind from the energy- and attention-sucking job of trying to remember.
2. Get a Head Start
Before leaving your workspace, or before going to bed, take 10 minutes to look over the next day’s commitments.
3. Do Your Most Dreaded Task First
Even if you can’t finish it, you can at least get started. The satisfaction of crossing it off your list will carry you into the rest of your busy day.
4. Turn off Distractions
You control technology. Turn off all outside communications and give yourself the necessary luxury of undisturbed time to really focus on the matter at hand.
5. Batch Process
If the demands of your day include routine tasks, try to group similar tasks and schedule certain times during the day to knock them out.
6. Delegate
Evaluate that to-do list carefully. What tasks could someone else do, thereby freeing you up to focus on the things only you can do?
7. Say No
If your calendar is jammed, if your to-do list is miles long, take ten minutes or so to look at each item with a careful eye. If the answer is no, then just say no.
8. Work Healthy
Healthy people are more productive. Eat a good breakfast and take breaks throughout the day. Get some exercise, even if it’s just isometrics at your desk.
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