Digital Signage Helps Your Office Be Eco-Friendly

Digital signage can significantly reduce the environmental footprint of your organization. By incorporating digital signage into your office spaces, you can eliminate the need for paper communications, which has a multitude of benefits.

Establishing a sustainable culture within your organization is crucial. It transcends superficial “greenwashing” efforts that may appear eco-friendly but lack genuine environmental stewardship. By infusing your workspace with an eco-conscious ethos, you cultivate a mindset that shapes behavior at all levels organically, without the need for constant top-down enforcement.

Why It Matters

Office printing is a major environmental issue, depleting resources and polluting the air. Americans make 400 billion photocopies yearly, leading to significant landfill waste despite recycling efforts. This process emits harmful gases like methane, worsening climate change. Printed documents are often discarded daily in offices, with 70% becoming overall waste.

US companies spend over $120 million annually on paper costs alone. Transitioning to digital signage saves money, reduces carbon footprint and promotes sustainability in the workspace. Going eco-friendly not only helps the environment but also enhances your office’s green culture.

Imagine this: the United States uses around 30% of the entire world’s paper. Obviously, getting your messages out using digital signs doesn’t use any paper like traditional bulletin boards, posters, banners, newsletters and so on. No trees are cut down; no water, inks or solvents are used; and when the message is no longer relevant, it doesn’t go to a landfill to decompose and emit methane – it’s just deleted.

  • Producing one ton of paper consumes 17 trees and a staggering 26,000 liters of water.
  • The pulp and paper industry uses up about 4% of total energy.
  • In the US alone, businesses churn out 65 million metric tons of paper annually, with each employee responsible for around 100 pounds per year.

The Answer is Digital

Transform your office into a dynamic, sustainable workspace with cutting-edge digital signage. Discover innovative ways to promote eco-friendly practices on screens – from recycling initiatives to energy-saving tips – using various content designs and media types. By connecting to your building management system, you can also display real-time resource consumption data, empowering employees to make a positive impact.

Deliver targeted messages instantly to any audience, anywhere while saying goodbye to paper waste and manual updates. Multiple layouts allow for simultaneous content display, while interactive features boost engagement. So, you can communicate more information, more often, to more people – all without using any paper or generating waste.

Durable modern displays ensure long-term efficiency, and easily recyclable displays follow cradle-to-cradle principles. This means some components can be reused as-is, without having to be broken down or melted first. Some vendors even offer hardware trade-in programs for cost-effective upgrades without environmental impact.

Energy Star regularly updates its list of energy-efficient devices, making it simple for you to find sustainable options for your digital signage system. Furthermore, some systems feature device control capabilities that automatically power down PCs and screens according to a set schedule, similar to your computer’s sleep mode.

Energy dashboards provide real-time data on current energy usage within a building and display this information in an easy-to-understand format on digital signs. This might include statistics such as recycling efforts, water usage and electricity consumption, encouraging individuals within the organization to actively reduce their environmental footprint by turning off lights or unused devices. This promotes a culture of sustainability within your workplace that will have far-reaching effects.

Consider adjusting the brightness levels of your screens. Some displays even come equipped with built-in brightness controls that adjust based on ambient light conditions. Experiment with lowering the brightness settings to see how much energy you can save while still maintaining impact. This simple adjustment not only benefits the environment, but also helps in reducing your carbon footprint and improving energy management.

One often overlooked aspect of creating a sustainable office environment is that a lot of hardware uses fans, which use energy. To reduce this eco footprint, strategically place such devices in areas with good airflow to minimize the need for fan usage. Dirty filters can also cause them to work harder, which uses more power, so clean them regularly.

Digital signage is not only environmentally friendly but cost-effective. It outperforms print communications for large audiences, making it a more effective and affordable option in the long run. A digital signage system is a one-time investment, and you can even pay for it via a monthly cloud subscription to reduce the initial cash outlay. You save on printing costs and reach an unlimited audience with easily updated messages in real time. Say goodbye to static paper limitations and hello to dynamic, attention-grabbing communication that makes a lasting impact in high-traffic areas. The bigger your audience, the greater the cost savings.

Digital signage not only offers a sleek and modern look but also provides cost-effective, efficient and eco-friendly solutions compared to traditional paper methods. New technologies like E Ink and electronic paper signs can further reduce energy usage for things like space management in offices. While all screens do require electricity, there are many energy-efficient options available that can help reduce your organization’s carbon footprint.

In today’s world where sustainability is highly valued by both employees, visitors and customers, incorporating digital signage into your workspace not only enhances aesthetics but also demonstrates your commitment to sustainable practices. This benefits the environment and improves your organization’s reputation within the community as a green leader in office technology.